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Farid Menaa

Farid Menaa

Fluorotronics, Inc and Californian Innovation Corp


Farid Menaa is an inter- and multi-disciplinary professional. Professor, Principal Investigator, Director, Consultant Editor, Reviewer, Event Organizer and Entrepreneur, He earned his degrees with highest distinctions from prestigious French universities and institutions. He followed a post-doctoral in Oncology as a NIH-fellow (San Diego, California, USA; 2004-2007). Subsequently, He pursed his career in Dermatology, and Stem Cells as a DFG-Fellow (Wuerzburg, Germany; 2007–2009). Then, He was promoted as Chief Scientific Officer and Vice-President R&D at Fluorotronics, Inc. (CA, USA; 2009-2010), a nanotechnology and fluorine chemical company. Eventually, He was appointed Principal Investigator in Hematology and Genomics as a FAPESP-Fellow (São Paulo, Brazil; 2010–2012). During his career, He also followed complementary formations (e.g. Medecine, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Food Sciences and Technology, Marine Biology, Nano-Biotechnology, Bio-Computation, Bio-Statistics, Business Development and Management, Technological Innovation and Quality). Overall, He was involved in various R&D projects in multiple areas of medicine/nanomedicine, pharmacy/pharmacology, biology, stem cells/tissue engineering, genetics/genomics, fluorine chemistry/biochemistry, biophysics/biophotonics, food science, technology/nanotechnology, and business). His main current focuses are related to preventive, personalized, translational, integrative and nanomedicine, especially in the areas of oncology, regenerative medicine and gerontology, in order to prevent and implement early diagnosis and efficient therapy.


Abstract : Graphene-based technologies for detection of biomarkers of disease: The future is here!